There is this tiny calendar that sits on my desk at office. It has a thought for every day of the year for my sun sign, which happens to be Sagittarius.. :)
One of them was "Don't expect too much from people. that they find it difficult to live up to your expectations."
And the first thing that struck me was, "How in hell do you not do that?!" I mean, you know.. One does tend to expect things from acquaintances. How do we stop ourselves from doing so? It makes sense, though. If you don't expect anything, you never get disappointed! But then, I fail to understand how it works... At some point, in any relationship, we tend to expect a certain level of trust and comfort from the other party. And to not do that, wouldn't that mean that the relationship never grows, matures...? We end up stuck in the same rut, day after day then..
Whether it is between friends, parents and children, lovers, unless we keep growing in the relationship, we end up stuck in a rut. And that certainly isn't good. So coming back to my first question, how does one stop themselves from harboring expectations from people close to them? And lets analyze what that actually means. Not having expectations from a person implies that whatever they do, you accept them. Do not expect more from them. Well, that makes sense, I guess... But it is not easy to do that. Imagine someone does something wrong, just because they can't help it. You expect them to do the right thing, but they don't. What do you then? I may be idealistic when I say this, but I would feel my respect for the person reduce to a certain bit. That is definitely because of my expectations. But how can it be otherwise?
Consider the example of our parents. When we are kids, we think that our parents can do no wrong. That they are the ideal human beings. As we grow older, we start realizing they are human beings after all. They have made their share of mistakes just like you, and they have learnt from it just like you. Does that mean you love them less? Definitely not! It depends on how you take it, but I simply respect my parents more, because they have learnt from their mistakes. Their experiences in life are so much more than mine, and for that I listen to them. I might have a different opinion, and might not agree with what they say, but for what its worth, its really good advice. So, here, even though we expect are parents to be ideal, we understand when they're not, and still love them and respect the same, if not more. Why then, doesn't this apply all the time?
How about now if your parents, for all their wisdom and experiences , do something really stupid and wrong now? Wouldn't you feel a little let down? Why does that happen, if we have accepted them for who they are, the good and the not-so-good?
So, its not all about accepting people for who they are. There's something more to these expectations. That is what eludes me. It's probably not a question I'll be able to answer right now.. Maybe I need more time, more wisdom.. But then, it's a question I'll always ask..