Sunday, August 23, 2009

Some great man once said,
It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Oh, what a life we would have led,
Had we never loved, never felt, lived like a cold, stone wall.

Yes, there would be no heartache, no pain, no tears or torment.
But then, there'd be nothing to cherish, no memory, no moment.
Those tender kisses, sweet nothings in the ear,
Would just be dreams, that in fairy tales, we hear.

Yes, it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Love is what makes a man, a man,
Without it, we'd all be nothing.
Just nothing at all.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sometimes, life is like a kaleidoscope.
All bright, colorful, beautiful and full of chaos and confusion.
It'll all be sorted out, I hope,
And be rid of this doubt, fear and feeling of exclusion.
Cos it feels weird to be an observer of your own life,
To be on the outside, looking in.
But it definitely is worth all the strife,
If in the end, there is peace within.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The other day, I came across these amazingly perfect lines:

"And nothing ever happens. Nothing happens at all. The needle returns to the start of the song and we all sing all along like before."

Simple lines, I know. May sound depressing to some people, but it just perfectly describes how i feel. At times, it just feels like things are going on, and you're just a spectator. Quite contrary to what Shakespeare said. It feels like you're an observer, of your own life! At times, it gives people a different view, a different outlook on things. But mostly, it just makes you feel like you're just so out of control, helpless. But sometimes, that's also a good thing.

It makes us come face-to-face with reality, I, for one, think this is a good thing. These moments remind me to embrace change, to look forward to new (maybe, better) experiences, not to succumb to the comfort factor of routine life. A small change can do wonders! Change in something we do, or how we think, or our general outlook.

Maybe, only when we keep singing the same song over and over again, do we relish the novelty of a new melody. Maybe, just maybe, that is why we aspire to make a new song. :)